February 20, 2023
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Which services are available to buy via the MeasureMatch platform?

The MeasureMatch network of systems & data consultants, consultancies, agencies and systems integrators is around 4,000 strong in 50+ countries (as of early August 2019).

As you can imagine, this breadth of specialist service providers comes with an exceptional depth of experience, skills and capabilities.

This means that the services on offer are as varied as the enterprise software ecosystem i.e. there are several thousand skills to tap into to advance the value of 3,000 systems including the Adobe, Salesforce, Oracle, Google marketing cloud products, extending into data management and visualization systems like Power BI, Tableau, Google Data Studio, Segment, plus analytics software like Google Analytics, Heap, FullStory, Amplitude and many, many more.

Whether it's AB testing, CRM, CRO, data cleaning, data science, data engineering, identity resolution, machine learning, marketing automation, predictive analytics, social media analytics, tag management, UX analytics, commerce analytics, web analytics, clients can easily find the right extra pair of hands or a team within minutes.


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