February 20, 2023
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When Do Clients Need To Pay?

The general rule goes like this: It's free to submit business requirements (aka project briefs), it's free to receive pitches and proposals and you're free to walk (at no cost) none of the service providers is a good fit.

So, when do clients need to pay?

Currently, there are three scenarios:

1. When you have agreed to a pre-payment

Some service providers will negotiate or require full or partial payment in advance. Pre-payment terms are added to the custom terms field in a proposal.

2. When you have confirmed a milestone in a contract as completed

All priced milestones are invoiced on completion and paid in line with the governing payment terms (e.g. net 10, net 30, net 60, net 90 or at the end of the next month).

3. When you have confirmed a contract as completed
This is the standard model.

MeasureMatch primarily collects payments via invoice and direct bank transfers.

When a bank transfer is not possible, payment can be collected via bank/credit/debit cards for an additional 3% fee.


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