February 20, 2023
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Client Account Signup Process With A Project Brief

To start, select the Client Account option here.

Then, follow the path so you can submit your services requirements. You can skip the screen above to start here (from the screen below).

Next, tell us if you need to get the work done by a specfic date or if you're flexible.

Here's another timing question, which will only show if you've selected "I'm flexible" above.

Now, tell us your service provider location preference.

And, here's where it gets especially interesting, jot down a few things about your services requirements here. We recommend keeping it high level. The MeasureMatch team will receive and review this to determine the next best action - most commonly we ask you for additional details.

Now, since you're here to get some work done, it'll help if you can include any specific skills you absolutely want or need at this point, which is optional. If you choose not to include any systems or advisory/process skills, we'll add them for you.

Next, these questions help us to help you get matched to optimal service providers. Tell us if you need advisory or execution services or both and if your requirements are deliverables-specific or more open ended.

Ok, we're nearly done. You now have currency payment choices. Don't worry - you won't have to pay anything until after you've confirmed a contract, and you're a long way off from that happening. This is just informational at this point.

Now that you've selected your currency, it's time to disclose your budget. Disclosing at least a budget range and your relationship to that budget is required to move forward.

Now, tell us where you're based.

And here's a choice to openly disclose your business name...or not. We recommend being transparent. Service providers more actively pursue opportunities that come from organizations they can see. This is to say that choosing to be "discreet" limits your service provider choice.

Here's the last step! Just add your work email address (consumer email addresses are blocked), a password and tell us how you learned about MeasureMatch...and you're in!

Your next step is to wait a little - not too long - to hear from us.

By way of a reminder, after you've gone through the process above, your service requirements will be reviewed by a MeasureMatch team member and you will likely be contacted to discuss and provide a few extra details, after which the project brief will be released to our network of service providers.


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