February 20, 2023
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Why Are Service Provider Account Profiles For Agencies, Consultancies and Systems Integrators Fronted By A Single Team Member?

The short answer is: People buy from people.

No Logo?

It's important to clarify that all Service Provider account profiles, whether owned by a single individual (independent consultant) or an agency/consultancy, will always feature a headshot of the account owner.


Again, because people buy from people.

And, importantly, all Service Provider account profiles are non-branded. Read this article here to learn why.

Don't worry.

When a client loves that magic combination of pitch and profile, she or he will invite you into a discovery conversation.

It's at this point, the opening of discovery, scoping and pricing, when clients and service providers can see each other fully, glorious logos and all!

Coming Soon

We'll soon add more fields so agencies and other service orgs can more clearly promote what's special about their organizations e.g. the list above is part of what we're taking into account as we evolve the Service Provider account onboarding process for agencies, consultancies and SIs.


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