February 20, 2023
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Why are Expert account profiles for consultancies, agencies, and SIs non-branded?

Expert account profiles for consultancies, agencies, and SIs non-branded, just like Expert account profiles for solopreneurs, are non-branded because we're trying to maintain a level playing field for all participants.

Here's the thinking and why you should probably find our approach refreshing.


The MeasureMatch professional services marketplace is designed to service customers who need the best possible extra pairs of hands, or a team, to execute.

Yes, logos have meaning and weight and value, but they're fundamentally not going make a difference for a MeasureMatch customer.

Why? Because in most cases our customers are engaging service providers that are nowhere nearby and too small to have any brand equity of any relevance in their home markets.

So, our policy is simple - no logos and no mentions of business names in profiles.

What this means in practice is this: MeasureMatch customers view Expert account holders' profiles and Service Packages when evaluating candidates who have submitted Expressions of Interest in a project. The combination of profile content and Service Package details is what will inform a prospective client's decision to open a discovery, scoping, pricing conversation.

This is what we mean by "Capabilities-first".

Transparency is part of the experience, too

When a client accepts a consultant's or consultancy's Expression of Interest, it's at this time when we make a formal, transparent handshake between the MeasureMatch client and the service providers with which she or he would like to open a dialogue.

This "formal, transparent handshake" is evolving in the platform in Q4 2019. In time, this handshake will include a swapping of full contact details, business business names and more.

Communication is critically important

We fully recognize that the buying and selling of enterprise systems & data professional services is an involved process. This is why we will always require the service providers participating in our marketplace to actively talk with the prospective customers about project briefs BEFORE proposals are submitted.

We expect these conversations to move off-platform. We also expect these conversations to move back onto the MeasureMatch platform. MeasureMatch's Terms of Service still apply. Thank you for participating in a way that enables us to provide a valuable service.


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