Very simply, you want to keep out bad actors.
So do we.
We need you to keep out bad actors.
We're doing our part. Every MeasureMatch team member's account has 2FA activated. Please join us.
Here's how:
- Go to the Settings Page, which you can access at the very bottom of the left hand navigation under "More".
- Then click the "Enable 2FA" button" and follow the steps.
- This is what it looks like when 2FA is enabled.
When bad actors get in your account, or another MeasureMatch customer's account, or one of our accounts, we're all at risk of something potentially terrible happening.
- Contact details can be stolen.
- Fraudulent transactions might happen (we have several safeguards, so this is very unlikely).
- Proprietary knowledge, assets or secrets can be compromised.
So, we recommend always having 2FA.
Go to your Settings page to activate 2FA today.
- Client account holders go here.
- Service provider account holders go here.
- Partner Exchange customers go here please.
Thank you from the MeasureMatch Team.
We're in this together.
The MeasureMatch Team