February 20, 2023
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When was MeasureMatch founded and who are the founders?

MeasureMatch was founded by James Sandoval, initially as an idea, in April 2016. The business was registered as a company in May 2016 and software development commenced in September that year.

Here is James's LinkedIn profile.

In January 2018, both Emma Marlow and Tom Ray joined James as Co-Founders.

Emma, who was an early  (pre-product) advisor came on board as Chief Operating Officer. Emma and James were colleagues  at Isobar, the dentsu company, in 2006/2007.

Here is Emma's LinkedIn profile.

And, Tom, who was MeasureMatch's UX/UI lead at the agency partner which build the MeasureMatch MVP from day one, join as Head of Platform. Tom moved on to work with his father and brother from 1 January 2021.

Here is Tom's LinkedIn profile.


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