February 20, 2023
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What are Service Packages & Vouchers (for Technology Vendors)?

As the name suggests, a Service Package is the packaging up of a service for prospective clients to view and book into service contracts.

Service Packages are single page descriptions of common service requests, which can be easily fulfilled by service partners i.e. independent consultants, consultancies, agencies and SIs in our network - but only those that have been verified as authorized technology vendor partners, and only authorized by technology vendors.

Here's how they currently look integrated in a Partner Hub. The top two elements in this Partner Hub (see screenshot below) are Service Packages prepared by FullStory.

Here's a closer look at a specific Service Package:

Service Packages are given a guide cost when create by technology vendors, but the final cost between a client and a service provider is negotiate and agreed between them - a specific price point is never at the sole discretion of, or dictated by, technology vendors.

Two Value Opportunities

1. Service Packages Activated by Clients

The moment a Service Package is published to a Technology Vendor's Partner Hub, it becomes visible to clients (if the Hub features a minimum of 3 verified service partners; the Hub remains hidden until 3 partners have been approved).

Service Packages that are visible to clients can also be activated by clients. This means that any prospective client can submit an Expression of Interest which will send a notification to each of the technology vendor's verified/approved service partners.

Within a few minutes typically, the client will receive Expressions of Interest from one or more service providers (only from the technology vendor's pool of verified/approved partners).

From there, the client can choose to enter into one or more discovery, scoping, pricing conversations, receive proposals and lock in a contract in just the same way as if s/he had submitted a project brief.

In this scenario, the client pays for services agreed and delivered as per the contract.

2. Service Packages Activated by Technology Vendors (via Vouchers)

Technology vendors can activate Service Packages as well by using the Vouchers functionality in their MeasureMatch accounts. Vouchers for Service Packages enables technology vendors to give any value of credit to a customer which can be redeemed via the MeasureMatch marketplace. Service Packages paid via Vouchers are also only serviced by verified/approved service partners.

Service Package Vouchers are full accountable meaning that technology vendors are provided with a full record of voucher redemptions, but also visibility to service delivery performance data e.g. contract start date, end date, star rating, written review and more.


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