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Going big in 2024 for MeasureMatch customers

4 January 2024
1 minute read

Welcome to 2024 – a year of going big with MeasureMatch!

We're rolling out new features, services, and opportunities designed to enhance your experience and accelerate your  success.

Here's a snapshot...


🎯 Bigger &  Better Services Partners

Last year, we heard you loud and clear: you want consulting and pro services partners with deep capabilities, but you need more than individual expert contributors.

So, we'll work harder in 2024 to find and onboard more brilliant boutique firms, but also mid-sized and even large consultancies and  systems integrators to participate in the platform.

They will be amazing organizations with powerful teams, many of which you'll recognize. All for you to get big, important work  done faster.

🚀 New Service Packages

We are excited to have completed a re-build of Service Packages which we soft-launched in mid-December.

We're already starting to see big contributions, like this one and this one

Service Packages are a great way to start free, context-rich discovery conversations with service providers, which lead intoprivate offers that are tailored to your specific business requirements.

💼 Big AI Opportunities

We chose not to jump into the AI frenzy last year. It was just too noisy.

Now that the dust is settling (sort of), we'll make a concerted effort this year to curate a meaningful, vetted selection of AI specialists in the marketplace.

The opportunities for businesses of all shapesand sizes are incredibly exciting, and we're thrilled to play a supporting role.

MeasureMatch logo shape in blue

Solve Cloud Software, Data & AI Challenges Faster

For startups to large enterprises, MeasureMatch is the marketplace platform connecting business leaders with amazing consulting and professional services partners.

🛡️ Embracing Cybersecurity

While AI is all the rage, we're especially bullish on the need for cybersecurity consulting and professional services.

Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs), AI-powered  cybercriminals, ransomware, digital identity attacks and credential stuffing are just a few of the challenges businesses face today.

As always, we'll do our best to partner with and onboard only the very best cybersecurity consultants and consultancies, and support your engagements end-to-end to maximize your success.


👤 Towards Full Self-Serviceability

It's not something that a company would normally disclose to its customers, but our near-term goal is operational scalability (aka self-serviceability).

By 31 March, we aim to empower you with complete  self-service capabilities, including, but certainly not limited to: 

  • Seamless contract management and modifications
  • Streamlined invoice handling
  • Simplified payment processing
  • Flexible financing options, including 'Buy Now, Pay Later'

This shift towards self-service not only enhances your convenience but also allows us to focus on improving the platform and your overall experience.


Ok, that's it for now. Thanks for being an important part of our journey.

Get in touch for anything. You can even reply to this message to get a reply from me 😊 


James Sandoval, MeasureMatch Founder & CEO

Founder & CEO of MeasureMatch

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