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Announcing AtlasGM from MeasureMatch: A Turnkey Transactional Marketplace Solution for B2B Software Companies

17 April 2024
2 minute read

London, 17 April 2024 – Today marks a significant milestone at MeasureMatch, as we introduce early access to AtlasGM, our white-label SaaS marketplace solution. Designed specifically for B2B software companies, AtlasGM addresses the critical need for these organizations to not only engage more effectively with their customers but also to maximize the value from their partnerships with service providers and Independent Software Vendors (ISVs).

AtlasGM: Enabling Marketplaces for B2B Software Organizations

AtlasGM is one of the first of its kind, enabling B2B software companies to facilitate economic transactions within their ecosystems — a capability that is currently exclusive to hyperscalers like Amazon's AWS and Microsoft's Azure. By providing a robust platform that manages the entire lifecycle of a transaction, Atlas empowers these organizations to host their own buy/sell marketplaces.

From the initial stages of requirements gathering to discovery, negotiation, contract finalization, and payment processing, AtlasGM simplifies and streamlines each interaction. This ensures that marketplace customers can effortlessly procure the services and solutions they require, engaging in meaningful economic exchanges that directly contribute to ecosystem vitality, and helps to maximize success for software organizations.

Moreover, AtlasGM allows marketplace operators to derive additional revenue through a modest platform fee, typically around 3%. This fee can be applied flexibly — either to the service provider, the customer, or shared between both parties. This not only supports a sustainable business model but also encourages a thriving, mutually beneficial marketplace environment.

In addition to facilitating transactions for their customers, B2B software organizations using AtlasGM can also leverage the platform internally. This allows them to purchase consulting and professional services through their own marketplaces, further enhancing their operational capabilities and reinforcing the platform’s integral role in their business strategy.

Defined Roles Within the AtlasGM Ecosystem:

AtlasGM Customers (marketplace operators): These operators are leadership teams within B2B software companies managing the AtlasGM platform to serve their customers, as well as their service provider and ISV partners.

Buyers of Services (marketplace users): These marketplace users are centrally B2B software companies’ customers in need of professional services or software solutions.

Providers of Services (marketplace users): These are the service provider partners of B2B software companies. Internal professional services teams and ISV partners can also list their services capabilities in the same way as external consultancy, agency, systems integrator, and independent consultant partners.

ISV Partners (marketplace users): ISV partners can showcase their software solutions to reach new customers, grow partnerships, buy services, enable co-selling with service providers and more.

White Label Customization and Flexible Pricing:

AtlasGM provides a number of customization options to reflect each organization’s unique needs and branding. 

This flexibility, combined with an accessible hybrid pricing model of a monthly or annual platform fee plus a low share of billings, makes AtlasGM a viable solution for all sizes of B2B software companies.

MeasureMatch logo shape in blue

Are you a B2B cloud software partnerships leader?

AtlasGM by MeasureMatch is for you!

The Power of Revenue Multiples in the B2B Software Sector

As an illustrative example of AtlasGM’s potential impact for B2B software organizations, AWS, together with Canalys, recently showcased the power of revenue multiples by illuminating an ecosystem economic impact of over $500 billion from its $90 billion in direct cloud solution sales in 2023. This demonstrates how every dollar spent on AWS cloud solutions translates to approximately six dollars for AWS partners and specialists to capture. AWS's strategic incorporation of consulting and professional services into its marketplace serves as a benchmark in the industry.

Like AWS, most B2B software organizations generate significant revenue multiples but lack the infrastructure to effectively capture this value through their own marketplaces. AtlasGM by MeasureMatch steps in to fill this gap, providing a platform through which these organizations can leverage, monetize, and maximize their ecosystem's full potential. With the growing trend of affordable, advanced computing capabilities, the demand for such scalable marketplace solutions is anticipated to surge, positioning AtlasGM as an essential tool for B2B software organizations looking to thrive in a competitive digital economy.

Importantly, in this rapidly evolving market, the introduction of low-cost compute resources from current hyperscalers, including AWS, Azure, Google Cloud and Alibaba, and fast-growth platforms like CoreWeave, Groq and others, is set to dramatically expand the universe of B2B software companies from today’s estimated 250,000 to 1 million or more by 2030. This expansion necessitates scalable marketplace solutions that can support burgeoning ecosystems. AtlasGM is precisely designed to meet this need, providing a robust platform that allows B2B software organizations and future hyperscalers to foster rich partnerships and create hypervalue-driven ecosystems.

Early Access and Engagement Opportunities

MeasureMatch invites B2B software company leaders to secure early access to AtlasGM. This opportunity allows participants to influence the platform's final enhancements before its official launch (coming soon), ensuring that Atlas meets their specific strategic needs.

A Word from MeasureMatch Leadership

"With the launch of AtlasGM, MeasureMatch is setting a new standard for how B2B software companies can capitalize on their revenue multiples through their own transactional marketplace platform capability," said James Sandoval, Founder & CEO of MeasureMatch. "Considering that 80% of partnerships traditionally fail to meet their strategic goals, we are providing a pivotal opportunity to harness the untapped potential of partner ecosystems, similar to how AWS is successfully monetizing its own partnerships through the AWS Marketplace. AtlasGM is specifically designed to enable our customers to effectively measure, manage, and monetize their ecosystem multiples, ensuring a competitive edge and enhanced profitability."

About MeasureMatch

MeasureMatch is a London-based technology company that offers two distinct products: the MeasureMatch consulting and professional services marketplace, and AtlasGM, a SaaS solution enabling B2B software organizations to operate their own transactional marketplace platforms. We are dedicated to empowering businesses to address strategic systems and data challenges, fostering thriving partnerships, and transforming limitations into opportunities.

For more information about AtlasGM and to sign up for early access, please visit the MeasureMatch website.

The MeasureMatch Team

This one's on us!

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