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The 2021 LinkedIn Series: Our latest software developer team member, Tiago Gil!

October 2021
1 minute read

We've been so hungry to bring on board new team members.

There's so much more to build, and there's so much more we can do to delight our customers (and many more of them, too).

So, I'm thrilled to announce our latest software developer team member, Tiago Gil!

MeasureMatch logo shape in blue

Solve Cloud Software, Data & AI Challenges Faster

For startups to large enterprises, MeasureMatch is the marketplace platform connecting business leaders with amazing consulting and professional services partners.

Tiago graduated from ISEL - Instituto Superior De Engenharia De Lisboa and his interests include #artificialintelligence, #quantumcomputing, #gaming and #gamedevelopment.

Join me in welcoming him 👏 and send over a connection request!

More about Tiago here (LinkedIn profile).

#teamgrowth #excited #moretocome

This was originally published to LinkedIn here.

James Sandoval, MeasureMatch Founder & CEO

Founder & CEO of MeasureMatch

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